Friday, September 29, 2006


I Have to say I'm not the most patient person in the world, but i understand bureaucracy has to turn its cogs when it comes to immigration and visa's...

However coming up to 3 weeks ago on Monday i sent in some final doc's requested by the embassy for my visa by registered post however i heard nothing back from the embassy in terms of confirming they received it.

So i sent an email asking for confirmation that they had my forms,... nothing, i sent a further email up beat and enquiring the same....nothing, so this week i sent another email asking the same saying i was getting concerned because i would have to spend a few weeks getting together replacement documents if the originals had been lost, so could they please confirm they received them......nothing, then wed i get an email saying my case officer is out of office until NOV 15th!!!, and that my case had been handed over to another....sooo i email her asking could she confirm they have received my forms....nothing....

Now I'm starting to get irked so i email today asking please, can they respond telling me if they have received my forms, otherwise i will have to go about getting replacements and finding out what happened to the originals... the response back i got.

Dear Mr Gorman, Thank you for your message. I would like to advise that we are unable to confirm the receipt of post. When the documents you have sent are assessed you will be advised in writing if there are any additional documents required.
Yours sincerely
Blah Blah


What does that mean?, does that mean they have the documents and they will respond in writing with further queries?, does it mean they cant confirm getting the mail! so maybe it hasn't arrived, or does it mean some strange immigration lingo for i cant be bothered handling your case because it was someone Else's work that is now on holiday and so when she gets back she will get back to you!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006


In an effort to unify the contacts i have in business and IT i have joined Linkedin, and along with FriendsReunited, and this Blog i will hopefully be able to keep in regular contact with old Uni friends, work friends and family.

View George Gorman's profile on LinkedIn

N - Day

Well i handed in my notice on Friday and have now announced it to my team, to be honest i am sad, there is a lot of opportunities open to DXL now that they have got themselves onto a solid platform and environment. I see a good future for several of their applications and honestly wish them well.

But its all about getting to Oz now, we have to look at selling/renting our flat, completing the Visa application and shipping our life to OZ.

Of course there has to be the organising of several leaving doo's, my Mum has already booked up my birthday so we will be going to N.I for that, Rebecca wants one last trip to Moscow and St Petersberg for late Oct, and I would like to see Amsterdam and have a final party with my ex Uni friends and ex All-Hotelers and DXL'ers.

Loads to do and plan and i just love stress....