Tuesday, September 19, 2006

N - Day

Well i handed in my notice on Friday and have now announced it to my team, to be honest i am sad, there is a lot of opportunities open to DXL now that they have got themselves onto a solid platform and environment. I see a good future for several of their applications and honestly wish them well.

But its all about getting to Oz now, we have to look at selling/renting our flat, completing the Visa application and shipping our life to OZ.

Of course there has to be the organising of several leaving doo's, my Mum has already booked up my birthday so we will be going to N.I for that, Rebecca wants one last trip to Moscow and St Petersberg for late Oct, and I would like to see Amsterdam and have a final party with my ex Uni friends and ex All-Hotelers and DXL'ers.

Loads to do and plan and i just love stress....

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