Friday, August 11, 2006

Visa off

So after much tooing and frooing, discussion and argument we have decided to move to OZ this year before we hit winter. Rebecca finds the winters quite tough and is missing her family and looking for a more settled life, i will miss the UK and of course will miss my family but have a lot to look forward to in OZ, warm weather, new opportunities and travel destinations to see. I will actually miss the company I'm working for as they are a good group of people.

So we downloaded the required documents and the Visa was sent off, luckily we had most of the required supporting material from Rebecca's application for a UK spouse Visa so it was quite quick. I just need to carry out a health check and police check to progress the visa now a process which should take several weeks...

When i handed in my Police check form yesterday to the most unhelpful police woman ever, first she refused to give me change of a £20 note, (the police check costs £10) then when i come back with the correct change she has a face like a bulldog eating wasps. Grunting and making effort noises all along... but its now in, and 6 weeks from now i should hopefully get a clean police record sent to me...

Health Checks are booked with the radiograpgher (xrays of chest to show im not bringing some chest disease into the country), and the doctor to give me a once over, and AIDS test. Which should all be complete by the time the police check is back.

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