Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Burning the Bridges

Last Sunday my passport and visa finally returned and i am now able to live and work in Oz unrestricted. So that has released a lot of the frustration we had, without a Visa we couldn't make a decision on what to do with our Flat, we couldn't decide a time line for moving to Sydney, we couldn't organise too ship our stuff.

But now that is all possible and with Rebecca finished on her contract she is able to ready the flat for sale and today we have the estate agent around taking pictures for the ESPC and the particulars for the brochure.

So as of this week the flat will be on sale, we will be organising for a shipment too Sydney and we will be booking our flights, the bridges are being burnt, and we are heading to OZ for our new life. I have to say I'm filled with an equal mix of excitement, joy, and dread!

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