Monday, October 09, 2006

VISA application accepted!!!!

Amazingly after on Thursday, thinking it would be another 3 mths waiting for my Visa, because i had to get a NI police check, plus who knows what else. Hearing from the embassy that they would not confirm receiving any of my forms nor would they say if there was any issues with what they had, always getting the response that if they need any further info they will contact me, and that i should not contact them... after all that i get out of the blue a letter on Saturday stating the Visa has been successful... what a relief!

I do feel there is major changes needed in how immigration processing is handled not only in OZ but the UK, there needs to be more information and a tracking process as this is such a big deal in peoples lives and we are paying £500 for the privilege..but for now WOOHOO the visa is through.

So long Edinburgh Winters...
From Scotland

Hello Sydney Winters...
From George Gorman...

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