Monday, October 02, 2006

Further Frustration

I received an email from the Australian Embassy on the weekend, which i was thinking would have been a response to my simple question 'have you received the post i sent you 3 weeks ago?'

But no, it was from a 3rd case officer who has totally ignored my requests for confirmation and is now asking me to provide a police check for Northern Ireland and too fill in a form 886 which asks me for the 3rd time where i will be living, and 2nd time what languages i speak, what qualifications i have, and at the end asks if i have a trade... its a yes or no question, it doesn't ask what that trade is... it could be butcher, baker, prostitute or igloo maker, i really am starting to despair at the bureaucracy involved in getting an Australian Spouse Visa.

My Wife had to produce a letter from me saying i was married to her and the marriage was legitimate, and she had to fill in a form detailing who she was and show evidence of us living together for 2 years, and that was it she then went to a centre in Glasgow and they processed her UK spouse visa leave to remain in UK that day...

But for the Australian spouse visa, i have had to
fill in 3 separate forms, provide 2 sets of 2 photos, show evidence of our last 2 years marriage, letters, cards from friends, joint bank accounts luckily we had all this gathered, for Rebecca's spouse visa application...
But on top of this, i had to provide 2 letters from Australians, with certified copies of their birth certs/or passports, certified by a lawyer or equiv in Australia to state they knew me and that my marriage was legitimate.
I had to provide a form from my wife detailing our history together, every holiday every trip, i had to provide details of every time i had left the UK in the last 10 years... that was 74 times, as i had worked in Poland and the US and travelled back n forth to the UK.
I had to have an AIDS check, and General health and xrays of my chest where done to ensure i wasn't carrying any health issues that might cost the Australian government money to care for me, down the line.
I also had to provide 2 police checks 1 for the UK from New Scotland yard, and 1 from the Lothian and Borders police for my time living in Scotland... I would have had to provide a police check for every country i had spent more than 10 mths living in over the last 10 years, so luckily i spent just less than that in Poland and the US.
But this gets me to this latest request from the embassy, one for a Northern Irish Police check.... a) i have not spent more than 10 mths in Northern Ireland since i was 18, b) why couldn't they have asked for this 6 weeks back when they asked for the UK and Scottish ones... and c0 no wonder the UK is in such a state if we have a different police system for each part... Criminals just need to move to a different part of the country to avoid a record...
Sigh... so i will call the embassy today and see if i can make them see sense, and convince them that i haven't spent 10 mths in NI over the last 10 years so don't need to spend the next 4 weeks trying to get a police check from them.

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